Although job seekers and recruiters sit on opposite sides of the table during the hiring process, they both want the same thing; job seekers want to be the chosen candidate for the role, and recruiters want them to be the right fit for the company they work for.
Professional recruiters have seen it all and can easily spot a good candidate from miles away. If you're currently looking for a new job, you can make the process smoother by learning the dos and don'ts of job hunting.
Here are the top tips recruiters want you to know before heading into your next job search.
1. Do Your Research
You may be sending your resume to many companies daily as an active job seeker. Keep track of every company you apply for - if you are invited for an interview, do your research and learn about the company's competitors and latest initiatives. You don't need to know every little detail about the organization, but if you are genuinely interested in the opportunity, then you should be able to show that you understand what the company is and who they're looking for.

2. Be Able to Identify Your Successes Clearly
While your resume may list your accomplishments, it's also important that you're able to speak about them in detail and give tangible examples during your interview. Employers want to know what you've done to contribute to the success of the company you worked for in the past.
Before heading into your next interview, look through every position you've listed on your resume and list at least three examples where you have faced a challenge and how you resolved it. By preparing a few specific examples beforehand, you will be able to include them in your response and communicate your strongest selling points during your interview.
3. Show That You Want The Job
As a job seeker, everything you do during the hiring process is a reflection of how you will be as an employee. Don't ignore the basics! Pay attention to your typos and grammatical errors on your resume, arrive 10 minutes early to your interviews, always focus on the questions and avoid providing irrelevant information and last but not least, dress to impress. While some of these seem obvious, you may be surprised how often they are overlooked by job seekers who end up giving a negative impression before the interview even starts.
If you want to stand out from other candidates, it may be a good idea to send a thank-you note to the hiring manager or the recruiter and express your appreciation for their time. Even if you don't get the job, they will be more inclined to give you feedback on your interview if you send a special "thank you" note.

4. Listen To What The Interviewer Has To Say
Oftentimes, people forget that job interviews are a two-way conversation, not a monologue. After the interview, you want to ask questions that the recruiter or the hiring manager didn't already answer, so listen carefully to what they have to say. Remember that you don't always have to be the one talking. While the recruiter wants to know about you, you also want to learn about the company and find out whether it is the right opportunity for you.
With these strategies and tips, your job search will go a lot smoother, and you'll be able to put yourself in a better position to land your dream job. No one knows how to navigate the treacherous waters that is the hiring process better than recruiters themselves. They were in the same position as you at one point in time, so learn from their mistakes and hold onto their advice.