Before you even begin to look for a job, there are a bunch of questions that you should ask yourself which will help set you up for success.
We want to share three important things you need to do before you apply for any job.
When searching for a job, we think this is a great opportunity to get real clarity on your qualifications and skills. If you have not been on the job market in quite some time, it might be a great opportunity for you to spend time reflecting on what types of work best suit your lifestyle, personality, skills and your desired outcomes. Once you gain clarity on what would be a ‘best’ or ‘right’ fit job, then we suggest the following 3 ‘TO DO’S’.

1. Identify the job you want
What is your ideal career? This may seem simple, but you would be surprised by the number of people who have no specific goals in mind and who start applying for everything! This is not the way to go.
You are going to have to do some research. LinkedIn has a Career Explorer Tool to help you narrow down your job details and file out any jobs that don’t apply to you but actually require none of your existing skills.
It is so important to be career oriented. You need to show that you want a career and that you are passionate about finding the best fit for you. This may seem obvious to some, but recruiters and hiring managers often see a lack of effort and passion from those who seek their help. You need to express interest in the process and know your ultimate goal.

2. List your Skills
What are your hard and soft skills? Do you know the difference? As you are making your resume and applying for jobs, there are things you need to consider. Sure your resume may list your accomplishments, but are they highlighting the right skills you need to impress an employer?
Knowing the difference between hard and soft skills is important for you to decide before you begin crafting your resume and looking through job descriptions. You should craft a list and make sure that the jobs you are applying for are reflective of the skills you have. Determine your top 3 skills in each section that could help you get a job in your field.
For example, if you are a Marketing Specialist your top hard skills would be SEO and Social Media Marketing. Your top soft skills would be more like personality traits, i.e. detailed oriented, flexible, creative.
What are your hard and soft skills? Do you know the difference? As you are making your resume and applying for jobs, there are things you need to consider. Sure your resume may list your accomplishments, but are they highlighting the right skills you need to impress an employer?
Knowing the difference between hard and soft skills is important for you to decide before you begin crafting your resume and looking through job descriptions. You should craft a list and make sure that the jobs you are applying for are reflective of the skills you have. Determine your top 3 skills in each section that could help you get a job in your field.
For example, if you are a Marketing Specialist your top hard skills would be SEO and Social Media Marketing. Your top soft skills would be more like personality traits, i.e. detailed oriented, flexible, creative.

3. Get to Know the Company
One should always read the job description carefully. Not only will this tell you about the position you are applying for, but it should contain valuable information about the company as well.
You should always look for details about the company’s culture. Do they include key words like work from home, remote, flexibility? If these aspects of a job are important to you they are something you should be looking for. It is also a good idea to look at their website and get a sense of how they operate as a team. Take this opportunity to see if any of their members have career paths that align with your own. Reach out and connect with them on LinkedIn.
Some questions to ask yourself when researching the company would be: what type of work environment are you most productive in? Are you someone who enjoys an open office environment or a workplace that lets you have remote working days. Another important question is: What is the single most important factor necessary for you to be successful at a job?
These three tips will help you focus on the job you want and help you not waste time applying for jobs that do not apply to your skills and talents. Making sure your application is aligned with how you market yourself on your social media platforms is essential and will help you get the best job for you.